Sunday 1 June 2008

Romeo and Juliet CW (not finished)

In this essay i will be examining Act 3 Scene 1 of the play 'Romeo and Juliet' and why it is a pivotal scene with also, looking at the different themes used in the play.
'Romeo and Juliet' was written by william Shakespeare in arounf 1595, it is set in Verona, Italy.
The play focuses on a young couple and their families who have been in arguements for many years.
This tale is of a secret romance as the couple try to be together, this is a mixture of both romance and tradegy.
The most pivotal scene in this play is Act 3 Scene 1.
Tybalt wants to find Rome's best friend Mercutio.Tybalt ends up fighting Mercutio, while doing so, Romeo comes in and tries to break the fight up, but as he does so, Tybalt stabs Mercutio under the arm, which sends Romeo into revenge for the death of Mercutio and starts to fight with Tybalt, as soon as the fight begins it ends with a sudden attact from Romeo, Tybalt dies.
But then Romeo has to leave as the prince is well on his way.
Romeo is scared of the prince as at the begining, he was warned that if there was to be any more fights between the two rival families there would be serious consequences.
Although Each character in the play go through different changes, especially the character of Romeo, in all the scenes before this point , he was a sort of the 'lovey dovey' and romantic and all the things he had said to Juliet was very poetic and had a large range of alliteration, for example:
''my, lips, two, blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss''
This describes Romeo of having a romantic feel towards Juliet.
Though when mercutio comes to his death, thats when Romeo changes from the 'lovey dovey' boy to a more serious and angry man.
In some sense, he still does have some poetic vocabulary but does not use it in that romantic jester more of a dark and voilent jester such as:
''this day's black fate on moe days's doth depend, this but begins the woe others must end''
This shows Romeos More evil, so it shows us that the theme has become more dark then it to being light and fluffy with also changing Romeo from good to bad.
Before Act 3 Scene 1 the charcter of Mercutio, was a sort of a comedic character who has the advantage of making funny comments, for example towards Romeo and the dream he had:
''if love be rough with you be rough with love, prick love for pricking and you beat love down''
This helped steer away the seriousness from events which some took place at the begining .
But even though mercutio died, the comey never really left due to that back in Act 3 Scene 1 tybalt made a few sly remarks and cruel movements towards mercutio which, to Tybalt, was funny and entertaining:

1 comment:

imad said...

nice piece of cw sarah
i think it wud be gd if u finished it.x